If you’re a reader who misses the days when writers put your enjoyment first, prioritizing craft, originality, and entertainment-value over narcissistic “self expression” or force-feeding you political agendas, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re a writer who’s tired of navigating a literary environment policed by people who think all the classics require “trigger warnings” due to “outdated” and “problematic” cultural norms, you’ve come to the right place.
Brought to you by renegade novelist and publisher Matthew Louis, NY Times bestselling author Vincent Zandri, and Gallows Humor writer and raconteur Philip M. “Big Philly” Smith, Vigilante Magazine’s mission is to publish work that hearkens back, in spirit, if not always in terms of subject matter, to the golden age of the short story, which began about the time William Porter became O. Henry, and wound down when pulp magazines went the way of the velociraptor.
If you want to help make Vigilante a success we humbly ask that you help our crowdfunding campaign, subscribe to this Substack, and/or send us something great.